Enron Mail

To:suzanne.christiansen@enron.com, patti.sullivan@enron.com,s..olinger@enron.com, k..allen@enron.com, frank.ermis@enron.com, l..gay@enron.com, mike.grigsby@enron.com, keith.holst@enron.com, tori.kuykendall@enron.com, matthew.lenhart@enron.com, jay.reit
Subject:New Book Names
Date:Mon, 23 Jul 2001 18:32:53 -0700 (PDT)


Attached are 2 documents describing the reorganization of the west trading =
desk. I have assigned new books to all of the traders except Phillip. We a=
re currently moving the August physical trades into the new books and plan =
to be finished tomorrow. You will continue to use your existing financial b=
ooks through July 31st. All August physical deals done during bid week sho=
uld flow into the new physical books and the old financial books. Your fi=
nancial trades will move on the night of July 1st after we calc. Starting =
August 1st, you will have your positions in your new financial and physical=
books. Russ is working on adding the new books to the West Intramonth Pos=
ition Portfolio in Sitara. You should be able to see your physical positio=
ns for August in the new books as soon as we get all of the deals moved (to=
morrow evening at the latest). The positions will be close in the morning,=
we just need to verify that we have not missed any deals and move all of t=
he intra-desk deals. Please let me know if you have any questions or conce=



You can reach me at 5-7735