Enron Mail

Subject:Call for white papers
Date:Tue, 16 Oct 2001 10:24:26 -0700 (PDT)

[IMAGE] I'm writing to let you know how your company's white papers can b=
e easily available to thousands of qualified energy professionals. Energy C=
entral's Research Report Center has added a new section specifically design=
ed for professionals searching for energy related white papers. The Center'=
s user-friendly interface ensures that your company's white papers will be =
found, as users are able to quickly sort and view all documents. There ar=
e no fees to post or view any of the energy industry white papers posted on=
the Energy Central Website. Don't be left out -- be one of the first compa=
nies to be included in this exciting new opportunity! I'm confident that E=
nergy Central can aid you in your marketing goal of reaching more qualified=
energy professionals. Please call me to discuss how you can showcase your =
white papers through our award-winning Website. <http://www.energycentral=
.com/sections/research/default.cfm?rtype=3Dall < Regards, Mark Johnson D=
irector of Contentmark.johnson@energycentral.com Phone: 303-782-5510 275=
5 South Locust Street - Suite 201 - Denver, CO 80222 Phone: (303) 782-55=
10 - FAX (303) 782-5331 http://www.energycentral.com This message is=
brought to you as a registered user of Energy Central. If you wish to disc=
ontinue receiving this type of message, reply to this message with 'Stop =
Ads' in the subject of your message. =09