Enron Mail

To:tony.dugger@enron.com, georgia.ward@enron.com, tom.acton@enron.com,p..adams@enron.com, robert.allwein@enron.com, natalie.baker@enron.com, shanna.boudreaux@enron.com, kevin.brady@enron.com, j..brewer@enron.com, suzanne.calcagno@enron.com, tamara.cart
Subject:RE: Unify Functionality Testing
Cc:brian.ripley@enron.com, jill.hopson@enron.com, m..smith@enron.com,hina.patel@enron.com, tommy.simpson@enron.com
Bcc:brian.ripley@enron.com, jill.hopson@enron.com, m..smith@enron.com,hina.patel@enron.com, tommy.simpson@enron.com
Date:Wed, 6 Jun 2001 05:40:23 -0700 (PDT)

All Logistics:

Since there have been several changes since the last non-scripted test, I =
encourage all of you to get into the system and try it out during the 11 to=
3 time frame. This is particularly important if you use some special func=
tionality such as one of the pipeline cross-reference tables (TxEast, TENN,=
etc.), select point or currency/volume conversions (TCPL, Nova etc.). Thi=
s may be your last chance to uncover any problems prior to this Saturday's =
proposed go-live date. Report any problems to those listed below.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Dugger, Tony =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, June 05, 2001 6:00 PM
To:=09Dugger, Tony; Ward, Georgia; Acton, Tom; Adams, Jacqueline P.; Allwei=
n, Robert; Baker, Natalie; Boudreaux, Shanna; Brady, Kevin; Brewer, Stacey =
J.; Calcagno, Suzanne; Carter, Tamara; Casas, Joe A.; Christiansen, Suzanne=
; Collins, Joann; Dempsey, Wes; Dinari, Sabra L.; Evans, Ted; Fletcher, Bre=
nda H.; Franklin, Cynthia; Franklin, Mary Theresa; Garcia, Clarissa; Gilles=
pie, Steve; Gilmore, Tammy; Greif, Donna; Groenewold, Shannon; Halstead, Li=
a; Homco, Meredith; Kinsey, Lisa; Lakho, Shahnaz; Lamadrid, Victor; Lenart,=
Kirk; Lisk, Daniel; Loving, Scott; Mack III, Hillary; McCoy, Mark; Mendel,=
Shelly; Muzzy, Charles T.; Olinger, Kimberly S.; Ordway, Chris; Pendergras=
s, Cora; Pinion, Richard; Rodriguez, Carlos; Sanchez, Christina; Schrab, Ma=
rk L.; Sullivan, Patti; Superty, Robert; Sutherland, Jan; Terry, Edward; Th=
ompson, Alvin; Villarreal, Jesse; White, Jessica; Wolfe, Jason; Wood, Tracy=
; Wukasch, Jeanne; Alba, Mary; Baxter, Bryce; Boxx, Pam B.; Cashin, Janine;=
Castro, Shielah; Chism, Pamela; Cook, Audrey; Couvillon, John; Couvillon, =
Paul; Curtis, Valerie; Doner, Max; Dozier, Scott; Ellenberger, Mary; Ellis,=
Laurie; Eubanks Jr., David W.; Ewing, Linda J.; Griffin, Rebecca; Hakemack=
, Cynthia; Hamic, Priscilla; Harwell, Melanie; Herrera, Katherine; Howard, =
Charles; Jacobs, Charles; 'Lenart, Gregg'; Majorwitz, Buddy; Mendoza, Genar=
o; Mousteiko, Michael; Myers, Donnie; Nelson, Doug; Ngo, Joanie; Parker, Me=
gan; Peebles, Jack; Pham, Vivien; Poledore, LaShanda; Price, Wade R.; Ray, =
Tess; Resendez, Isabel Y.; Richmond, Charlene; Saladino, Jane S.; Saucier, =
Darla; Stewart, Willie; Thomas, Yolanda S; Truong, Tricia; Valderrama, Lisa=
; Aguirre, Larry; Anastas, Sherry; Barkowsky, Gloria; Beale, Antoinette; Bo=
lanos, Milton; Brooks, Willie; Brown, Rosa; Calub, Eric; Camp, Howard; Chan=
ce, Lee Ann; Comello, Mary; Fisher, Bob; 'Gaskey, Ron'; Honore, Alton; Jame=
s, Marlo; Keith, Ryan; Lindley, Karen; McClure, Mark; Mitchell, Jack; Nguye=
n, Thu; Ogunbunmi, Hakeem; Pattison, Jennifer; Robinson, Leslie; Schumack, =
Sherlyn; Spears, Christopher; Swisher, Stephen; Trabulsi, Alfonso; Vaughn, =
Kimberly; Viltz, Joyce; Vogler, Jason; Wynne, Rita
Cc:=09Ripley, Brian; Hopson, Jill; Smith, Regan M.; Patel, Hina; Simpson, T=
Subject:=09Unify Functionality Testing

The Unify2k Gas Production database will be available for one last round of=
functionality testing from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday 6/6/01. T=
his is not a scripted test. Please feel free to test ANY and all functiona=
lity that will give you a greater comfort level with the new system. The S=
itara Bridge and Bridgeback will be available during this time.

Please use the following environment for this testing:

Menu Option: =09Unify2k (Gas)
Server: =09=09Unify2k Gas Production
Data: =09=09May 29, 2001
Gas Day: =09May 29, 2001

If you have any questions, of find issues please contact one of the followi=
ng individuals:

Logistics & Vol. Mgmt =09-=09Hina Patel=09=09x5-4875
Settlements=09-=09=09Tommy Simpson=09x5-8229
General Questions=09-=09Tony Dugger=09=09x5-4371
=09=09=09=09Jill Hopson=09=09x5-4839

Thank you,