Enron Mail

Subject:From The Enron India Newsdesk - October 29th Newsclips
Date:Mon, 29 Oct 2001 04:36:53 -0800 (PST)

BUSINESS STANDARD, Monday, October 29, 2001
Enron to pull out of LNG shipping venture for Laxmi=20

Similar story also appeared in the following publications:

THE TIMES OF INDIA, Monday, October 29, 2001
Enron to exit from LNG 'Laxmi' venture

THE ECONOMIC TIMES, Monday, October 29, 2001
Enron preparing to leave DPC, exits 'Laxmi'

THE FINANCIAL EXPRESS, Monday, October 29, 2001
Enron to exit LNG Laxmi
THE ECONOMIC TIMES, Monday, October 29, 2001
DPC lenders meet to resolve Enron tangle

BUSINESS STANDARD, Monday, October 29, 2001
Enron to pull out of LNG shipping venture for Laxmi=20

Before the final countdown begins for US energy major Enron's actual exit f=
rom Dabhol Power Company (DPC), it has decided to quit the greenfield shipp=
ing venture for Laxmi, the liquefied natural gas carrier expected to reach =
Indian shores on November 15. "Enron's affiliate Atlantic Commercial Inc ha=
s expressed a desire to its partners to exit the special purpose vehicle fo=
r Laxmi in lieu of its decision to move out of the controversial DPC", ship=
ping industry sources said here today. =20

An Enron India spokesperson declined to comment over the development. The S=
hipping Corporation of India (SCI) has a 20 per cent stake in the $220 mill=
ion project while Mitsui OSK Lines holds 60 per cent and the balance rests =
with Atlantic. Earlier, SCI chairman P K Srivastava had said they were conf=
ident of taking delivery of the vessel on November 15, despite the ANZ Inve=
stment Bank-led consortium's decision not to disburse the last tranche of $=
55 million. "The 135,000 cubic metre capacity tanker, costing $189 million,=
is ready for delivery and we are currently in talks with banks and parties=
involved in this project", sources said. SCI and Mitsui OSK Lines have a t=
ime charter for 10 years with DPC to transport LNG from Oman to Dabhol. The=
consortium of 14 banks has already disbursed $110 million, they added.=20

Sources said SCI and OSK Lines have not ruled out alternatives such as depl=
oying the vessel in the spot market due to the approaching winter demand fo=
r the liquid fuel and existing shortage of LNG vessels in the international=
market. "LNG is an emerging fuel in international spot market and the cons=
ortium has already initiated exploratory steps. The reserves for winter sea=
son would be filled soon and there is lot of demand for such vessels", they=
said. "The multinational has already diverted its focus more on the future=
s trading aspects of the fuel. Given the present uncertainties, there is an=
unwarranted delay in the project, and so the carrier "Laxmi" would be used=
for chartering the natural gas to other countries from the middle east", t=
hey explained. Registered in Malta, Laxmi was expected to carry two million=
tonne of LNG per annum to Dabhol to fire the power plant. The $800 million=
LNG terminal, which has a storage capacity of five million tonne of natura=
l gas per year, was equipped to re-gassify the fuel and supply it to DPC wh=
ile remaining to other bulk users. For LNG supply, DPC has signed a 20 year=
contract for 2.1 million tonne per year of the fuel with Oman LNG (1.6 mil=
lion tonne per year) and Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company (480,000 tonne =
per year), the sources added.=20

THE ECONOMIC TIMES, Monday, October 29, 2001
DPC lenders meet to resolve Enron tangle

Lenders of Dabhol Power Company will be meet in London early November to re=
solve the complications that have cropped with the main promoter Enron deci=
ding to sell off its equity stake. The meeting is schedule to take place on=
November 2 and 3 which will be attented by senior officials from Industria=
l Development Bank of India, ICICI and State Bank of India. When asked abou=
t the progress of negotiations with Tatas and BSES on a possible buyout of =
Enron's holding in DPC, IDBI chairman P P Vora said, These are on-going neg=
otiations. There can not be any specific reply to it."