Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Fuel Mgmt Expenses - EcoElectrica
Date:Wed, 16 May 2001 14:17:41 -0700 (PDT)

OK you got the ball, get it done and let Curren sell it to ECo.

Paul YBarbo/ENRON@enronXgate 05/16/2001 02:20 PM To: Wayne Perry/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Rick Sierra/ENRON@enronXgate, Shilpa Kadakia/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mauricio Ortiz/ENRON@enronXgate Subject: Fuel Mgmt Expenses - EcoElectrica


I have had discussions with Shilpa Kadakia (EGM), Mauricio Ortiz(EGA), and Rick Sierra regarding expenses that your group is incurring while working on the Eco project and other projects. Below are the key findings:

1. Wayne Perry, Tony Galt, Dan Masters, Rajesh Chettiar, Todd Peterson, and Dustin Collins allocate time between projects.
Eco Fuel Mgmt has been allocated to account E000412

2. Paul Y'Barbo has had all time allocated to cost center 120643. I have now submitted corrected time allocations by project back to January 1st to Shilpa.
Eco Fuel Mgmt has been allocated to account E000412

3. Larry Snyder charges his time on the Eco project to account C005416

Greg Curran wants us to send an invoice to Eco for all time spent on the project. We should also include an overhead charge. Greg wants the invoice to go out ASAP and does not want to first get an agreement/understanding with Eco. Eco will surely bring Edison Mission into the discussion before paying.

Next steps:

a. We need to decide what overhead % to invoice.

b. We need to work out the "process" so that it becomes automatic.

c. We need to work out the path of the invoicing. For example, do each EGM and EGA invoice Eco for their respective charges or does only one of the two companies invoice Eco and then the proceeds get distributed appropriately. If EGA invoices Eco for Larry's time, EGM needs to invoice EGA to recoup its expense.

d. Start invoicing

The expenses appear to be getting accumulated in the right buckets, we just need too start invoicing.


