Enron Mail

Subject:Future Loading, and Loaded Voyage details.
Date:Mon, 7 May 2001 12:54:00 -0700 (PDT)

Here is the latest from Cabot on the "Hilli"
---------------------- Forwarded by Dan Masters/HOU/ECT on 05/07/2001 09:54 AM ---------------------------

"Joseph McKechnie" <jmckechnie@cabotlng.com< on 05/03/2001 04:05:14 PM
To: HILLI <A8YE@globeemail.com<
cc: "Rudy Adamiak" <radamiak@cabotlng.com<, "Jane Michalek" <jmichalek@cabotlng.com<, "Gwendolyn Pratt" <GPratt@cabotlng.com<, Mike.Moulding@ospreymaritime.co.uk, "Dan Masters" <Dan.Masters@enron.com<, Victor.Vega@enron.com, agency.mgr.pce@ayacol.com, plyons@atlanticlng.com, sherai@atlanticlng.com, elalgee@atlanticlng.com, melops@neal-and-massy.com
Subject: Future Loading, and Loaded Voyage details.

Good Day Captain Moldestad: Further to our various phone calls, and e-mails,
the present plan has you berthing at Pt Fortin for completion of loading on AM
9th May 2001, Melville Shipping and the Terminal will advise specific POB times
in due course. Upon departure Pt Fortin you are to slow steam by most
economical means for Penualas Puerto Rico. Please adjust your steaming to
arrive at Penuelas Pilot Station for 0600 on the 16th of May, for direct
berthing. At Penuelas you will be discharging a full cargo, retaining onboard
an appropriate heel to ensure you arrive back in Pt Fortin for Loading on 20/21
May 2001, in a cold condition and ready for immediate loading.

Should you have any questions, please contact me directly 24 hours at 617 799

Best Regards
Joe McKechnie