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Welcome to the Newsletter for Users of the Brown Edition of MarketBrowser!
The Brown Edition of MarketBrowser has been designed to be the perfect companion to Brown & Co., enabling you to research and monitor stocks and funds with unprecedented ease and convenience. In our effort to help you make the most out of your Brown MarketBrowser we will be offering useful tips and techniques in our newsletters. In this first issue: Window management One-Click Access MarketBar View _____ How do I manage windows in MarketBrowser? MarketBrowser enables you to open up to 12 windows at the same time. Each window charts a particular stock, mutual fund or economic series, and can overlay a variety of technical studies and indicators, such as comparisons, Bollinger bands, volatility...For example the window below shows the Dow Jones Industrial Average over a period of 1 year: <http://www.marketbrowser.com/images/wsj_news1_fullchart.jpg< Note the color of the window header: green indicates an up move, red a down move. You can customize the fields in the header by going to the menu 'Files/Preferences/Monitors'. You can also choose to display or hide window numbers (menu 'View/Window Numbers'), and select a different font size (menu 'View/Text Size'). The 'Windows' menu enables you to manage windows by adding/deleting/hiding them to suit your needs: 'Insert Windows/Monitors' inserts one or more windows just after the active one. MarketBrowser will prompt you for a number of windows, indicating what the maximum is. 'Delete Windows/Monitors' acts in the opposite way, deleting a number of windows after the active one. 'Display' lets you pick and choose the windows you want to see on screen. For example if you enter 'W1..W4, W7, W8..W10' you will see all windows between W1 and W4, plus windows W7, and all windows between W8 and W10. 'Clear', 'Clear All', 'Tile', 'Arrange' are self-explanatory items helping you put your worksheets in order 'Columns...' enables you to choose the number of columns you want to see on screen. Note that the same number of columns is visible in the Monitors View and MarketBar Views (see below for more details about those views) 'Zoom/Unzoom' manages the zooming process 'Auto legend' turns the auto-legend on and off. Auti-legend refers to the line of text giving more detailed price information such as High, Low, Open and Close for the latest data point, displayed within a window. In addition to menu-based features, MarketBrowser offers an exhaustive list of manipulation tools, available from the toolbar: <http://www.marketbrowser.com/images/prepaid_toolbar.jpg< We invite you to explore these features, most of them being extremely straighforward and self-explanatory. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question. _____ What is One-Click Access? One-Click Access refers to a set of features in MarketBrowser enabling you to retrieve the information you need from the a variety of web sources. IMPORTANT: Please note that using or purchasing MarketBrowser does not automatically register you with our online partners, even if links to their sites are included in your edition of MarketBrowser. Say for example you want to research a particular fund from Morningstar. The Brown & Co. pulldown menu includes a direct link to Morningstar home page: <http://www.marketbrowser.com/images/brown_menu.jpg< MarketBrowser will automatically open your regular web browser and bring you to Morningstar's home page. As shown above, many more sites are available from the same menu. Furthermore MarketBrowser's click over capabilities go well beyond those simple examples. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information. _____ What is the MarketBar View? MarketBrowser gives you three modes of visualization. In the Charts View, each window displays a full chart of a security (see for example the Dow Jones chart above). In this mode, you can magnify the window, manipulate the data, add technical studies or compare two instruments, among many other features. The second mode, called Monitors View, is designed to show an overview of your entire portfolio: <http://www.marketbrowser.com/images/wsj_news1_monitor.jpg< In this mode, you don't have access to technical studies or drawing tools, but window magnification is still enabled. To get into the Monitors View, just select 'Monitors View' from the 'View' menu or click the minimize button at the upper right corner of MarketBrowser in the Charts View. Finally, the most popular view is the MarketBar view, specifically designed to remain a 'polite friend' on your screen, keeping you informed without being intrusive or distracting: <http://www.marketbrowser.com/images/brown_market_bar.jpg< Note that all prices in the MarketBar are updated throughout the day, and that the bar can be docked at the bottom or top of your screen (to change this setting, right-click on the bar and choose the preferred location). To get the MarketBar View, just choose 'MarketBar View' from the 'View' menu or click on the minimize button at the upper right corner of MarketBrowser in the Monitor View. Simply click once on a stock or fund displayed in the MarketBar to get a full chart view. For added convenience, One-Click Access is also available from the MarketBar, just by right-clicking on any of the tickers displayed: <http://www.marketbrowser.com/images/brown_market_bar_menu.jpg< To return to a Monitor or Full Chart view, just click on one of the last two buttons at the right of the MarketBar (just above the clock in the picture). _____ Privacy Statement: If you wish to be removed from the list of recipients of our email newsletters, just reply to this message with 'REMOVE' as the subject line. Interested in getting more from your MarketBrowser? Check out MarketBrowser Pro! For a limited time take advantage of our special price of only $49/year. You get three times as many windows as the regular MarketBrowser, an expanded list of technical studies and drawing tools and more! Click here for details <https://www.marketbrowser.com/secure/mb_order.asp?product_code=MBBRWNP< Thank you for your interest in MarketBrowser. The MarketBrowser Team