Enron Mail

Subject:Re: FW: Invoice 11-AR-9281-9PC
Date:Thu, 11 Oct 2001 07:01:10 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Paul,

With reference to the message below and further to my fax to Mr Sanabria
dated 25th September (copied to you), could you please follow up the latest
status with him, as I have not received any direct communication from him
as to why this invoice is still outstanding.

I would appreciate your urgent attention to this matter.



"Y'Barbo, Paul" <Paul.Y'Barbo@enron.com< on 02/08/2001 21:05:37

To: <dynegyuk@dynegy.com<

Subject: FW: Invoice 11-AR-9281-9PC

Please forward to Debbie Alleyne. Thanks.

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Y'Barbo, Paul
< Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2001 12:12 PM
< To: 'debbie.alleyne@dynegy.com'
< Cc: Sanabria, Jaime; Maltes, Miguel
< Subject: Invoice 11-AR-9281-9PC
< Debbie,
< I have forwarded the above invoice ($61,621.83) for payment to Jaime
< Sanabria of EcoElectrica. Jaime's contact numbers are Telephone (787)
< 759-0203 and FAX (787) 282-0986. Please let me know if I can be of
< further assistance.
< Regards,
< Paul

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