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We would like to nominate Carlos Alatorre for promotion to Manager. Thanks.
Savita -----Original Message----- From: Davis, Karen Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 2:22 PM To: Puthigai, Savita Subject: Associate Promotions to Manager Savita: Below is a list of Associates in your group who are eligible to be nominated for promotion to Manager during the year-end PRC. Please review and advise if you would like to nominate any or all of them for promotion. Please understand that a promotion is dependent upon the rating they receive in the final PRC. We would like to receive your feedback regarding this information by June 5 in order to include it in the pre-rate meeting for your business unit. Associate to Manager Alatorre, Carlos Please contact your Career Development representative listed below if you have any questions regarding the promotion eligibility process. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!! Thank you, Shelly Butler x3-4584 Jana Giovannini x3-9233 Lisa Jones x35213 Andrea Richards x36499