Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Exotic Options Module Series - Asian Options
Date:Wed, 26 Sep 2001 10:42:25 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Mack, Iris =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, September 26, 2001 12:37 PM
To:=09Arnold, John; Maggi, Mike; Donohoe, Tom; Ruscitti, Kevin; Lewis, Andr=
ew H.; Martin, Thomas A.; Reitmeyer, Jay; Dempsey, Wes; Chang, Bonnie; Stra=
ight, Margie; White, Jessica; Kinsey, Lisa; Brady, Kevin; Wesneske, Brian; =
Pendergrass, Cora; Storey, Geoff; Cuilla, Martin; Mahmassani, Souad; Willia=
ms, Jason (Trading); Murrell, Russell E; Culotta, Lindsay; Pollan, Sylvia S=
.; Luce, Laura; Roberts, Linda; Mayor, Philip; Frihart, Bryant; Giron, Darr=
on C.; Smith, Shauywn; Zivley, Jill T.; Jones, David; Muhl, Gil; Vickers, F=
rank W.; Hernandez, Jesse; Villarreal, Alexandra; Ramirez, Robert; Loocke, =
Kelly; Ferries, Nelson; Otto, Charles H.; Gilbert, George N.; Lagrasta, Fre=
d; Chilkina, Elena; Ortiz, Lucy; Black, Troy; Shipos, Jennifer; Breslau, Cr=
aig; Perez, Agustin; Patel, Sheetal; Figueroa, Chris; Titus, Matthew; Smith=
, Mark; Quigley, Dutch; Griffith, John; May, Larry; Zipper, Andy; Barbe, Ro=
bin; Smith, Maureen; Taylor, Craig; Goodell, Scott; Sullivan, Colleen; Bron=
stein, Mara; Willis, Jim; Miller, Stephanie; Polsky, Phil; Ward, Kim; Tycho=
liz, Barry; Lucci, Paul T.; Concannon, Ruth; Presas, Jessica; Young, Becky
Subject:=09RE:Exotic Options Module Series - Asian Options

=09Previously I forwarded an email to you which contain a list of options p=
roducts we are considering making markets in.=20
=09Many of you have asked for more details on these (exotic) options produc=
=09In response to this request, I will be periodically forwarding modules t=
o your attention which give further details on these options products.=20
=09Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, comments=
, etc.=20
Iris Mack, MBA/PhD=20
Power Options Trading Desk=20