Enron Mail

To:a..bibi@enron.com, michael.bridges@enron.com, david.forster@enron.com,rahil.jafry@enron.com, louise.kitchen@enron.com, greg.piper@enron.com, savita.puthigai@enron.com, dave.samuels@enron.com, a..shankman@enron.com, john.sherriff@enron.com, bob.shult
Subject:FW: Trade Count and Volumes for May 02, 2001
Date:Mon, 7 May 2001 06:26:13 -0700 (PDT)

Trade Counts and Volume for May 07, 2001

Austria Power Physical 10 58,482 0 0 10 58,482 MWh
Belgium Natural Gas Physical 12 910,000 0 0 12 910,000 MMBtu
Canada Natural Gas Financial 7 4,660,000 2 910,000 9 5,570,000 MMBtu
Canada Natural Gas Physical 196 8,126,188 0 0 196 8,126,188 MMBtu
Canada Power Financial 10 3,888 1 48 11 3,936 MWh (Canada)
France Power Physical 4 72,000 0 0 4 72,000 MWh
Germany Power Physical 119 2,112,947 0 0 119 2,112,947 MWh
Norway Power Financial 15 213,720 0 0 15 213,720 MWh
Norway Weather Financial 1 1 0 0 1 1 Average Temperature
Singapore Crude Financial 1 50,000 0 0 1 50,000 Barrel
Singapore Oil Products Financial 1 150,000 0 0 1 150,000 Barrel
Singapore Oil Products Financial 5 15,000 0 0 5 15,000 mt
Switzerland Power Physical 17 114,927 0 0 17 114,927 MWh
United Kingdom Crude Financial 2 40,000 6 150,000 8 190,000 IPE Barrels
United Kingdom Metals Financial 697 34,795 136 500 833 35,295 LME Registered mt Lot
United Kingdom Natural Gas Physical NBP 81 15,668,560 0 0 81 15,668,560 MMBtu
United Kingdom Natural Gas Physical NBP Option 1 920,000 0 0 1 920,000 MMBtu
United Kingdom Oil Products Financial 17 77,000 0 0 17 77,000 IPE mt
United Kingdom Power Physical 8 334,320 0 0 8 334,320 MWh
United Kingdom Sea Freight Financial 0 0 1 10 1 10 Sea Freight Lots
USA Crude Financial 192 7,995,000 55 2,345,000 247 10,340,000 Barrel
USA Crude Financial Option 2 100,000 4 175,000 6 275,000 Barrel
USA Crude Physical 9 819,000 0 0 9 819,000 Barrel
USA Gas Pipeline Capacity Physical 1 30,000 0 0 1 30,000 MMBtu
USA LPG Financial 1 25,000 0 0 1 25,000 Gallon
USA LPG Physical 1 10,000 0 0 1 10,000 Gallon
USA Lumber Physical 1 4 0 0 1 4 Thousand Board Feet
USA Natural Gas Financial 560 210,011,478 374 193,591,414 934 403,602,892 MMBtu
USA Natural Gas Financial Option 5 4,500,000 4 4,530,000 9 9,030,000 MMBtu
USA Natural Gas Physical 1,708 33,861,539 35 565,836 1,743 34,427,375 MMBtu
USA Oil Products Financial 5 451,071 9 2,857 14 453,929 Gallon
USA Paper Physical 2 46 0 0 2 46 Short Tons (+/- 5%)
USA Power Financial 23 172,332 6 4,713 29 177,045 MWh
USA Power Physical 267 1,964,262 49 510,608 316 2,474,870 MWh
USA Rate and Currency Financial 0 0 1 1,500,000 1 1,500,000 EUR/1
USA Rate and Currency Financial 0 0 3 1,022,581 3 1,022,581 USD/1
Total 3,981 686 4,667