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EnronOnline Trade Counts and Volume for April 17 th, 2001 EXTERNAL INTERNAL TOTAL COUNTRY COMMODITY CATEGORY COUNT QTY COUNT QTY COUNT QTY UNIT OF MEASURE Austria Power Physical 16 37,028 - - 16 37,028 MWh Belgium Natural Gas Physical 11 875,000 - - 11 875,000 MMBtu Canada Natural Gas Financial 17 13,043,000 4 2,295,000 21 15,338,000 MMBtu Canada Natural Gas Financial Option - - 2 4,360,500 2 4,360,500 MMBtu Canada Natural Gas Physical 215 7,140,092 6 1,209,000 221 8,349,092 MMBtu Canada Power Financial 1 1,860 - - 1 1,860 MWh (Canada) Denmark Power Financial - - 3 40,800 3 40,800 MWh Germany Power Physical 60 754,763 - - 60 754,763 MWh Germany Weather Financial 1 1 - - 1 1 Average Temperature Norway Power Financial 6 142,128 - - 6 142,128 MWh Singapore Oil Products Financial 1 5,000 - - 1 5,000 mt Switzerland Power Physical 19 10,150 - - 19 10,150 MWh United Kingdom Crude Financial 9 690,000 1 25,000 10 715,000 Barrel United Kingdom Metals Financial 336 15,981 37 1,275 373 17,256 LME Registered mt Lot United Kingdom Natural Gas Physical NBP 230 46,728,200 - - 230 46,728,200 MMBtu United Kingdom Natural Gas Physical NBP Option 4 1,850,000 - - 4 1,850,000 MMBtu United Kingdom Oil Products Financial 8 20,000 - - 8 20,000 IPE mt United Kingdom Petchems Financial 1 1,000 - - 1 1,000 mt United Kingdom Power Physical 22 1,733,280 - - 22 1,733,280 MWh USA Crude Financial 140 6,660,000 107 4,520,000 247 11,180,000 Barrel USA Crude Financial Option 13 650,000 3 150,000 16 800,000 Barrel per month USA Crude Physical 6 961,000 - - 6 961,000 Barrel per day USA LPG Financial 6 200,000 - - 6 200,000 Gallon USA LPG Physical 1 15,000 - - 1 15,000 Gallon USA Natural Gas Financial 935 327,230,046 606 244,566,576 1,541 571,796,622 MMBTU USA Natural Gas Financial Option 19 16,600,000 3 3,000,000 22 19,600,000 MMBTU USA Natural Gas Physical 1,765 19,274,436 57 755,332 1,822 20,029,768 MMBtu USA Oil Products Financial 10 302,738 5 1,786 15 304,524 Barrel USA Paper Physical 1 500 - - 1 500 Metric Tons (+/- 5%) USA Paper Physical 1 250 - - 1 250 Short Tons (+/- 5%) USA Power Financial 44 289,452 33 239,060 77 528,512 MWh USA Power Physical 407 6,960,635 135 3,420,794 542 10,381,428 MWh USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 3 4,300,000 3 4,300,000 EUR/1 USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 1 900,000 1 900,000 GBP/1 USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 1 32,258 1 32,258 USD/1 4,305 1,007 5,312