Enron Mail

To:a..bibi@enron.com, michael.bridges@enron.com, david.forster@enron.com,rahil.jafry@enron.com, louise.kitchen@enron.com, greg.piper@enron.com, savita.puthigai@enron.com, dave.samuels@enron.com, a..shankman@enron.com, john.sherriff@enron.com, bob.shult
Subject:Trade Count and Volumes for April 23, 2001
Date:Mon, 23 Apr 2001 15:53:22 -0700 (PDT)

Trade Counts and Volume for April 23th, 2001

Austria Power Physical 11 2,695 - - 11 2,695 MWh
Belgium Natural Gas Physical 6 85,000 - - 6 85,000 MMBtu
Canada Natural Gas Financial 9 3,500,000 - - 9 3,500,000 MMBtu
Canada Natural Gas Physical 264 5,320,682 1 14,725 265 5,335,407 MMBtu
Canada Power Financial 5 2,446 - - 5 2,446 MWh (Canada)
France Power Physical 1 18,600 - - 1 18,600 MWh
Germany Power Physical 55 1,155,529 - - 55 1,155,529 MWh
Germany Weather Financial 1 1 - - 1 1 Average Temperature
Netherlands Power Physical 1 286 - - 1 286 MWh
Norway Power Financial 15 243,840 - - 15 243,840 MWh
Singapore Oil Products Financial 2 10,000 - - 2 10,000 mt
Switzerland Power Physical 20 6,626 - - 20 6,626 MWh
United Kingdom Crude Financial 9 225,000 1 45,000 10 270,000 Barrel
United Kingdom LPG Financial 1 2,000 - - 1 2,000 mt
United Kingdom Metals Financial 530 29,525 34 - 564 29,525 LME Registered mt Lot
United Kingdom Natural Gas Physical NBP 107 15,113,900 - - 107 15,113,900 MMBtu
United Kingdom Oil Products Financial 10 25,000 1 2,500 11 27,500 IPE mt
United Kingdom Power Physical 5 436,800 - - 5 436,800 MWh
United Kingdom Sea Freight Financial 1 15 - - 1 15 Sea Freight Lots
USA Bandwidth Physical 1 1 - - 1 1 DSO miles
USA Crude Financial 163 4,210,000 115 2,575,000 278 6,785,000 Barrel per month
USA Crude Financial Option 4 200,000 26 1,225,000 30 1,425,000 Barrel per month
USA Gas Pipeline Capacity Physical 1 8,000 - - 1 8,000 MMBtu
USA LPG Financial 2 60,000 - - 2 60,000 Gallon
USA Lumber Physical 2 264 - - 2 264 Board Feet
USA Natural Gas Financial 761 290,834,827 317 120,355,017 1,078 411,189,844 MMBtu
USA Natural Gas Financial Option 20 19,455,000 - - 20 19,455,000 MMBTU
USA Natural Gas Physical 1,857 21,082,096 48 621,054 1,905 21,703,150 MMBtu
USA Oil Products Financial 15 471,429 - - 15 471,429 Barrel
USA Paper Physical 1 230 - - 1 230 Short Tons (+/- 5%)
USA Petchems Physical 1 10,000 - - 1 10,000 Gallon
USA Power Financial 57 802,949 43 541,257 100 1,344,206 MWh
USA Power Physical 646 7,567,190 138 3,444,272 784 11,011,461 MWh
USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 7 11,000,000 7 11,000,000 EUR/1
USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 1 280,000 1 280,000 GBP/1
USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 5 4,434,032 5 4,434,032 USD/1
USA Steel Financial 3 9,000 - - 3 9,000 Net Ton/month
USA Weather Financial 10 28 - - 10 28 Cooling Degree Day
Total 4,597 737 5,334