Enron Mail

To:a..bibi@enron.com, michael.bridges@enron.com, david.forster@enron.com,rahil.jafry@enron.com, louise.kitchen@enron.com, greg.piper@enron.com, savita.puthigai@enron.com, dave.samuels@enron.com, a..shankman@enron.com, john.sherriff@enron.com, bob.shult
Subject:Trade Count and Volumes for April 27, 2001
Date:Fri, 27 Apr 2001 15:44:34 -0700 (PDT)

Trade Counts and Volume for April 27, 2001

Austria Power Physical 16 6,234 - - 16 6,234 MWh
Belgium Natural Gas Physical 5 112,500 - - 5 112,500 MMBtu
Canada Natural Gas Financial 2 1,510,000 4 2,579,500 6 4,089,500 MMBtu
Canada Natural Gas Financial Option 2 2,850,000 - - 2 2,850,000 MMBtu
Canada Natural Gas Physical 290 19,517,015 1 1,530,000 291 21,047,015 MMBtu
Canada Power Financial 5 10,392 - - 5 10,392 MWh (Canada)
France Power Physical 3 55,200 - - 3 55,200 MWh
Germany Coal Physical 3 27 - - 3 27 SECA Contract - Metric Tonnes
Germany Power Physical 84 388,001 1 22,320 85 410,321 MWh
Netherlands Power Physical 2 7,426 - - 2 7,426 MWh
Norway Power Financial 25 409,008 - - 25 409,008 MWh
Switzerland Power Physical 29 35,883 - - 29 35,883 MWh
United Kingdom Crude Financial 3 95,000 5 145,000 8 240,000 Barrel
United Kingdom LPG Financial 1 1,000 - - 1 1,000 mt
United Kingdom Metals Financial 484 45,675 47 1,700 531 47,375 LME Registered mt Lot
United Kingdom Natural Gas Physical NBP 72 11,150,700 3 467,500 75 11,618,200 MMBtu
United Kingdom Oil Products Financial - - 1 2,500 1 2,500 IPE mt
United Kingdom Power Physical 39 2,086,560 - - 39 2,086,560 MWh
United Kingdom Sea Freight Financial 1 15 - - 1 15 Sea Freight Lots
United Kingdom Sea Freight Financial 1 9 - - 1 9 Sea Freight lt Lot
United Kingdom Weather Financial 1 1 - - 1 1 Average Temperature
USA Crude Financial 112 6,215,000 54 2,135,000 166 8,350,000 Barrel
USA Crude Financial Option - - 2 100,000 2 100,000 Barrel
USA Crude Physical 2 180,000 - - 2 180,000 Barrel
USA Gas Pipeline Capacity Physical 1 24,000 - - 1 24,000 MMBtu
USA LPG Financial 4 130,000 - - 4 130,000 Gallon
USA LPG Physical 1 15,000 - - 1 15,000 Gallon
USA Lumber Physical 2 1 - - 2 1 Thousand Board Feet
USA Natural Gas Financial 971 366,975,424 657 219,735,900 1,628 586,711,324 MMBTU
USA Natural Gas Financial Option 12 10,600,000 6 6,000,000 18 16,600,000 MMBTU
USA Natural Gas Physical 1,819 50,927,103 51 4,778,007 1,870 55,705,110 MMBTU
USA Oil Products Financial 7 105,000 3 40,000 10 145,000 Gallon
USA Power Financial 53 247,949 38 276,761 91 524,709 MWh
USA Power Physical 437 3,593,195 102 1,273,538 539 4,866,732 MWh
USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 4 4,440,000 4 4,440,000 EUR/1
USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 2 1,900,000 2 1,900,000 GBP/1
USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 11 9,004,194 11 9,004,194 USD/1
4,489 992 5,481