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EnronOnline Trade Counts and Volume for May 03, 2001 EXTERNAL INTERNAL TOTAL COUNTRY COMMODITY CATEGORY COUNT QTY COUNT QTY COUNT QTY UNIT OF MEASURE Austria Power Physical 16 23,100 - - 16 23,100 MWh Belgium Natural Gas Physical 8 285,000 - - 8 285,000 MMBtu Canada Natural Gas Financial 6 3,160,000 10 3,948,027 16 7,108,027 MMBtu Canada Natural Gas Physical 272 11,597,928 - - 272 11,597,928 MMBtu Canada Power Financial 23 17,725 - - 23 17,725 MWh (Canada) France Power Physical 3 26,400 - - 3 26,400 MWh Germany Power Physical 112 2,331,665 - - 112 2,331,665 MWh Norway Power Financial 30 387,048 - - 30 387,048 MWh Singapore Crude Financial 1 50,000 - - 1 50,000 Barrel Singapore Oil Products Financial 1 5,000 - - 1 5,000 mt Switzerland Power Physical 39 12,432 - - 39 12,432 MWh United Kingdom Crude Financial 7 175,000 4 100,000 11 275,000 IPE Barrels United Kingdom LPG Financial 3 14,000 - - 3 14,000 mt United Kingdom Metals Financial 687 38,285 102 1,500 789 39,785 LME Registered mt Lot United Kingdom Natural Gas Physical NBP 87 10,211,020 5 268,560 92 10,479,580 MMBtu United Kingdom Natural Gas Physical NBP Option 1 920,000 - - 1 920,000 MMBtu United Kingdom Oil Products Financial 22 72,500 - - 22 72,500 IPE mt United Kingdom Power Physical 5 252,000 - - 5 252,000 MWh United Kingdom Sea Freight Financial 1 15 - - 1 15 Sea Freight Lots USA Crude Financial 270 13,080,000 161 7,255,000 431 20,335,000 Barrel USA Crude Financial Option 1 50,000 7 325,000 8 375,000 Barrel USA Crude Physical 5 390,000 - - 5 390,000 Barrel USA Gas Pipeline Capacity Physical 1 10,000 - - 1 10,000 MMBtu USA LPG Financial 10 190,000 - - 10 190,000 Gallon USA LPG Physical 4 45,000 - - 4 45,000 Gallon USA Lumber Financial 2 1,200 - - 2 1,200 Thousand Square Feet USA Lumber Physical 5 5 - - 5 5 Thousand Board Feet USA Natural Gas Financial 832 326,852,341 498 250,629,399 1,330 577,481,740 MMBtu USA Natural Gas Financial Option 16 15,500,000 43 42,000,000 59 57,500,000 MMBtu USA Natural Gas Physical 1,905 18,413,180 32 156,044 1,937 18,569,224 MMBtu USA Oil Products Financial 10 227,262 4 1,310 14 228,572 Barrel USA Paper Physical 3 1,500 - - 3 1,500 Metric Tons (+/- 5%) USA Paper Physical 1 15 - - 1 15 Short Tons (+/- 5%) USA Petchems Financial 1 60,000 - - 1 60,000 Gallon USA Power Financial 29 329,456 3 2,411 32 331,866 MWh USA Power Physical 480 5,169,032 99 2,089,727 579 7,258,758 MWh USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 4 9,400,000 4 9,400,000 EUR/1 USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 3 903,548 3 903,548 USD/1 USA Weather Financial 2 4 - - 2 4 Cooling Degree Day 4,901 975 5,876