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EnronOnline Trade Counts and Volume for May 10, 2001 EXTERNAL INTERNAL TOTAL COUNTRY COMMODITY CATEGORY COUNT QTY COUNT QTY COUNT QTY UNIT OF MEASURE Austria Power Physical 11 11,322 - - 11 11,322 MWh Belgium Natural Gas Physical 5 65,000 - - 5 65,000 MMBtu Canada Natural Gas Financial 3 2,900,000 7 4,108,500 10 7,008,500 MMBtu Canada Natural Gas Physical 268 11,235,635 1 1,530,000 269 12,765,635 MMBtu Canada Power Financial 9 7,527 - - 9 7,527 MWh (Canada) Denmark Power Financial - - 1 11,160 1 11,160 MWh France Power Physical 3 41,188 - - 3 41,188 MWh Germany Coal Physical - - 2 18 2 18 SECA Contract - Metric Tonnes Germany Power Physical 60 562,534 - - 60 562,534 MWh Netherlands Power Physical 2 1,200 - - 2 1,200 MWh Norway Power Financial 23 347,832 - - 23 347,832 MWh Singapore Crude Financial 2 100,000 - - 2 100,000 Barrel Switzerland Power Physical 21 22,066 - - 21 22,066 MWh United Kingdom Crude Financial 4 1,200,000 2 50,000 6 1,250,000 Barrel United Kingdom LPG Financial 3 8,000 - - 3 8,000 mt United Kingdom Metals Financial 560 14,185 39 1,250 599 15,435 LME Registered mt Lot United Kingdom Natural Gas Financial 3 690,000 - - 3 690,000 MMBtu United Kingdom Natural Gas Physical NBP 63 8,981,050 4 245,000 67 9,226,050 MMBtu United Kingdom Oil Products Financial 1 22,350 - - 1 22,350 Barrel per month United Kingdom Oil Products Financial 5 20,000 - - 5 20,000 IPE mt United Kingdom Oil Products Financial 1 15,000 - - 1 15,000 metric tonnes/month United Kingdom Petchems Financial 1 1,000 - - 1 1,000 mt United Kingdom Power Physical 18 598,080 - - 18 598,080 MWh USA Coal Physical - - 2 14 2 14 COAL-Tons/Barges/Mnth USA Crude Financial 250 11,115,000 128 5,410,000 378 16,525,000 Barrel USA Crude Financial Option 2 100,000 11 425,000 13 525,000 Barrel USA Crude Physical 7 633,000 - - 7 633,000 Barrel USA Emissions Physical 2 - 2 - Emission allowance USA Gas Pipeline Capacity Physical 2 19,200 - - 2 19,200 MMBtu USA LPG Financial 10 225,000 - - 10 225,000 Gallon USA LPG Physical 3 40,000 - - 3 40,000 Gallon USA Lumber Physical 1 1 - - 1 1 Thousand Board Feet USA Natural Gas Financial 1,055 442,579,989 589 237,125,976 1,644 679,705,965 MMBtu USA Natural Gas Financial Option 9 8,000,000 9 8,500,000 18 16,500,000 MMBtu USA Natural Gas Physical 1,821 19,897,885 42 228,859 1,863 20,126,744 MMBtu USA Oil Products Financial 16 977,739 - - 16 977,739 Barrel USA Power Financial 35 357,947 4 315,318 39 673,265 MWh USA Power Physical 418 4,041,506 95 2,020,524 513 6,062,030 MWh USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 3 3,800,000 3 3,800,000 EUR/1 USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 5 15,000,000 5 15,000,000 FX USD USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 1 500,000 1 500,000 GBP/1 USA Weather Financial 2 5 - - 2 5 Cooling Degree Day Total 4,699 945