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EnronOnline Trade Counts and Volume for May 29, 2001 EXTERNAL INTERNAL TOTAL COUNTRY COMMODITY CATEGORY COUNT QTY COUNT QTY COUNT QTY UNIT OF MEASURE Austria Power Physical 11 10,144 - - 11 10,144 MWh Belgium Natural Gas Physical 14 935,000 - - 14 935,000 MMBtu Canada Natural Gas Financial 23 12,369,500 18 3,687,500 41 16,057,000 MMBtu Canada Natural Gas Financial Option 1 1,168,500 - - 1 1,168,500 MMBtu Canada Natural Gas Physical 362 15,307,317 - - 362 15,307,317 MMBtu Canada Power Financial 4 10,782 2 72 6 10,854 MWh (Canada) France Power Physical 5 38,106 - - 5 38,106 MWh Germany Power Physical 73 728,627 - - 73 728,627 MWh Germany Power Physical Option - - 4 711,000 4 711,000 MWh Netherlands Power Physical 1 43,800 - - 1 43,800 MWh Norway Power Financial 12 192,240 - - 12 192,240 MWh Switzerland Power Physical 16 26,852 - - 16 26,852 MWh United Kingdom Crude Financial 17 1,550,000 - - 17 1,550,000 Barrel United Kingdom LPG Financial 1 2,000 - - 1 2,000 mt United Kingdom Metals Financial 528 6,860 78 725 606 7,585 LME Registered mt Lot United Kingdom Natural Gas Physical NBP 67 11,993,925 2 300,000 69 12,293,925 MMBtu United Kingdom Oil Products Financial 4 20,000 - - 4 20,000 IPE mt United Kingdom Petchems Financial 1 2,000 - - 1 2,000 mt United Kingdom Power Physical 13 846,720 - - 13 846,720 MWh USA Coal Physical - - 2 21 2 21 COAL-Tons/Barges/Mnth USA Crude Financial 282 13,005,000 81 3,420,000 363 16,425,000 Barrel USA Crude Financial Option 6 300,000 - - 6 300,000 Barrel USA Crude Physical 5 465,000 - - 5 465,000 Barrel USA Gas Pipeline Capacity Physical 3 24,200 - - 3 24,200 MMBtu USA LPG Financial 2 30,000 - - 2 30,000 Gallon USA LPG Physical 1 15,000 - - 1 15,000 Gallon USA Natural Gas Financial 1,356 523,112,570 727 392,267,337 2,083 915,379,907 MMBtu USA Natural Gas Financial Option 19 14,585,000 1 1,000,000 20 15,585,000 MMBTU USA Natural Gas Physical 1,910 72,809,002 30 724,197 1,940 73,533,199 MMBtu USA Oil Products Financial 26 1,135,000 4 60,000 30 1,195,000 Barrel USA Power Financial 58 1,102,436 6 33,257 64 1,135,692 MWh USA Power Physical 712 10,559,778 192 4,768,613 904 15,328,391 MWh USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 4 9,500,000 4 9,500,000 EUR/1 USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 5 1,545,000,000 5 1,545,000,000 FX USD USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 1 400,000 1 400,000 GBP/1 USA Weather Financial 4 12 - - 4 12 Cooling Degree Day Total 5,537 1,157 6,694