Enron Mail

To:carlos.alatorre@enron.com, a..bibi@enron.com, michael.bridges@enron.com,david.forster@enron.com, rahil.jafry@enron.com, adam.johnson@enron.com, louise.kitchen@enron.com, matt.motsinger@enron.com, greg.piper@enron.com, savita.puthigai@enron.com, kal.
Subject:Trade Count and Volumes for May 30, 2001
Date:Wed, 30 May 2001 18:30:37 -0700 (PDT)

Trade Counts and Volume for May 30, 2001

Austria Power Physical 10 6,305 0 0 10 6,305 MWh
Belgium Natural Gas Physical 9 217,500 0 0 9 217,500 MMBtu
Canada Natural Gas Financial 28 15,116,500 16 3,812,500 44 18,929,000 MMBtu
Canada Natural Gas Physical 303 18,042,106 0 0 303 18,042,106 MMBtu
Canada Power Financial 2 300 0 0 2 300 MWh (Canada)
France Power Physical 5 2,553 0 0 5 2,553 MWh
Germany Power Physical 65 1,005,479 0 0 65 1,005,479 MWh
Germany Power Physical Option 1 219,000 0 0 1 219,000 MWh
Netherlands Metals Physical 2 40 0 0 2 40 European Alum 25 mt Lot
Netherlands Power Physical 1 43,800 0 0 1 43,800 MWh
Norway Power Financial 19 294,696 0 0 19 294,696 MWh
Singapore Crude Financial 1 50,000 0 0 1 50,000 Barrel
Switzerland Power Physical 19 14,729 0 0 19 14,729 MWh
United Kingdom Crude Financial 16 790,000 6 170,000 22 960,000 Barrel
United Kingdom LPG Financial 2 12,000 0 0 2 12,000 metric tonnes/month
United Kingdom LPG Financial 1 3,000 0 0 1 3,000 mt
United Kingdom Metals Financial 502 17,225 58 125 560 17,350 LME Registered mt Lot
United Kingdom Natural Gas Physical NBP 63 8,266,400 2 278,500 65 8,544,900 MMBtu
United Kingdom Oil Products Financial 2 10,000 0 0 2 10,000 IPE mt
United Kingdom Power Physical 32 2,281,440 0 0 32 2,281,440 MWh
USA Coal Physical 0 0 1 11 1 11 COAL-Tons/Barges/Mnth
USA Crude Financial 345 15,975,000 124 5,170,000 469 21,145,000 Barrel
USA Crude Financial Option 6 300,000 6 300,000 12 600,000 Barrel
USA Crude Physical 6 496,000 0 0 6 496,000 Barrel
USA Emissions Physical 1 0 1 0 Emission allowance
USA Gas Pipeline Capacity Physical 3 24,200 0 0 3 24,200 MMBtu
USA LPG Financial 3 90,000 0 0 3 90,000 Gallon
USA Metals Physical 1 40 0 0 1 40 COMEX Physical Copper Lots
USA Natural Gas Financial 1,679 744,766,332 1,163 477,806,030 2,842 1,222,572,362 MMBtu
USA Natural Gas Financial Option 30 28,320,000 2 2,000,000 32 30,320,000 MMBTU
USA Natural Gas Physical 1,856 47,729,332 45 395,565 1,901 48,124,897 MMBtu
USA Oil Products Financial 13 530,000 8 135,000 21 665,000 Barrel
USA Paper Physical 1 16 0 1 16 Short Tons (+/- 5%)
USA Power Financial 100 1,730,232 11 75,884 111 1,806,116 MWh
USA Power Physical 743 14,665,986 187 4,045,290 930 18,711,276 MWh
USA Rate and Currency Financial 0 0 3 4,900,000 3 4,900,000 EUR/1
USA Rate and Currency Financial 0 0 5 20,000,000 5 20,000,000 FX USD
USA Weather Financial 2 4 0 0 2 4 Cooling Degree Day
5,872 1,637 7,509