Enron Mail

Subject:Are you a genius?
Date:Sat, 2 Feb 2002 12:29:56 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE] If you would like to be removed from our email list, please click o=
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[IMAGE] Are you a genius? Imagine having an IQ that's off the c=
harts -- a real superbrain! You wouldn't have to worry about grades because=
you'd ace every course. As a matter of fact, you'd probably be teaching c=
lasses instead of attending them. But how would you fit in at school or wi=
th your friends? Oftentimes, people with exceptional intelligence struggle =
to be accepted and understood because of their nontraditional thinking. No=
bel Prize winner, John Nash, whose life is portrayed in the movie "A Beaut=
iful Mind," is a good example of how challenging the life of a genius can =
be. Here at Questia, we decided to take a look in our collection to under=
stand the phenomena called genius. [IMAGE] After you've taken a look a=
t the books below, feel free to explore our topics to find your favorite s=
ubject. And be sure to take our free test drive. The World's Larges=
t Online Library of Books with content not found anywhere else on the Int=
ernet Origins of Genius: Darwinian Perspectives on Creativity by Dea=
n Keith Simonton Creativity and the Mind: Discovering the Genius Within =
by Thomas B. Ward, Ronald A. Finke, and Steven M. Smith The Road to Exce=
llence: The Acquisition of Expert Performance in the Arts and Sciences, Spo=
rts, and Games by K. Anders Ericsson Who Got Einstein's Office?: Eccen=
tricity and Genius at the Institute for Advanced Study by Ed Regis Crea=
tivity and Disease: How Illness Affects Literature, Art, and Music by Phi=
lip Sandblom Explore Questia's 70,000 + books and journal articles E=
nsure success Brain power Sometimes success isn't always about brain power=
-- unless of course you really do have a raging IQ! But there is somethin=
g you can do to help guarantee your success this semester -- subscribe to =
Questia. Why subscribe? Think about the price tag of just getting into=
school -- tuition, books, etc. You've made a huge investment, but getting=
into school doesn't guarantee academic success. Questia, on the other hand=
, at a much more affordable price tag actually will help you achieve suc=
cess. So really, the only question is why wouldn't you subscribe? The pri=
ce of a book Questia gives you a library in your room that's available ar=
ound the clock -- 24/7. And you won't find our exclusive collection anyw=
here else on the Internet. Who knows, maybe Questia will help raise your I=
Q a few points. Wishing you success, The Questia Team ©2002 Questi=
a Media America, Inc. Questia and the Questia (logo) are service marks of =
Questia Media and its affiliates. =09