Enron Mail

To:jason.biever@enron.com, stephane.brodeur@enron.com, steven.burnham@enron.com,ian.cooke@enron.com, mike.cowan@enron.com, derek.davies@enron.com, chris.dorland@enron.com, lon.draper@enron.com, dean.drozdiak@enron.com, paul.dunsmore@enron.com, gerry.hr
Subject:FW: Mexico Executive Retreat, Presentation Summaries - CERA Report
Date:Wed, 30 Jan 2002 12:46:57 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: webmaster@cera.com@ENRON
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:00 PM
To: clients@cera.com
Subject: Mexico Executive Retreat, Presentation Summaries - CERA Report

Title: Mexico Executive Retreat, Presentation Summaries



As part of the Mexico Energy Advisory Service, CERA presents presentations from
the Mexico Executive Retreat held on Wednesday January 16, 2002. The links in
the report include CERA's presentation and other featured presentations.

Some of the presentations may take up to a minute to load in your browser.


Follow above URL to access the presentation files.

E-mail Category: Report
CERA Knowledge Area(s): Mexico Gas & Power

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