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Subject:Psychology and Sports; Unlocking the Key to Superior Athletic
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[IMAGE] If you would like to be removed from our email list, please click o=
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[IMAGE] Psychology and Sports; Unlocking the Key to Superior Athlet=
ic Performance Olympians and their quest for Olympic gold. 17 year-old w=
underkinds in golf. Senior citizens successfully completing triathlons. =
What do all these athletes have in common besides physiological endurance =
and athletic prowess? They have uncovered the psychological aspects of sp=
orts and its effects on athletic performance. Learn about how important th=
e mind is on athletic performance. Read some suggestions below or do your=
own search. The World's Largest Online Library of Books with co=
ntent not found anywhere else on the Internet Sports, Games, and Play:=
Social and Psychological Viewpoints Edited by Jeffrey H. Goldstein Sp=
orts in the Lives of Children and Adolescents: Success on the Field and in=
Life By Robert S. Griffin The Road to Excellence: The Acquisition of =
Expert Performance in the Arts and Sciences, Sports, and Games Edited by =
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