Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Pictures from my condo: Message 1
Date:Mon, 4 Feb 2002 07:22:49 -0800 (PST)

i agree -- the white is pretty sterile. i figure i'll get Dad to come and
help me after i've already moved in. i'll probably stay a bit neutral
because it's kind of small

enron.com To: Livia_Zufferli@Monitor.com
02/04/2002 Subject: RE: Pictures from my condo: Message
10:21 AM 1

looks neat, maybe needs some other coloured wall paint to personalize it

-----Original Message-----
From: Livia_Zufferli@Monitor.com@ENRON
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 7:15 AM
To: Zufferli, John; jzufferli@shaw.ca
Subject: Pictures from my condo: Message 1

The guy in some of the shots is the vendor. The place was kinda messy
yesterday when i visited it, but it'll give you an idea.


(See attached file: Exterior_optimized.jpg)(See attached file:
Bedroom_2_optimized.jpg)(See attached file: Bedroom_3_optimized.jpg)(See
attached file: Bedroom_optimized.jpg)(See attached file:
Dining-Room_optimized.jpg)(See attached file: Bathroom.jpg)
- Exterior_optimized.jpg << File: Exterior_optimized.jpg <<
- Bedroom_2_optimized.jpg << File: Bedroom_2_optimized.jpg <<
- Bedroom_3_optimized.jpg << File: Bedroom_3_optimized.jpg <<
- Bedroom_optimized.jpg << File: Bedroom_optimized.jpg <<
- Dining-Room_optimized.jpg << File: Dining-Room_optimized.jpg <<
- Bathroom.jpg << File: Bathroom.jpg <<

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