Enron Mail

To:legal <.taylor@enron.com<, peter.keohane@enron.com, peggy.hedstrom@enron.com
Subject:Canadian legal entity
Cc:louise.kitchen@enron.com, rob.milnthorp@enron.com, sally.beck@enron.com,john.zufferli@enron.com
Bcc:louise.kitchen@enron.com, rob.milnthorp@enron.com, sally.beck@enron.com,john.zufferli@enron.com
Date:Fri, 1 Feb 2002 10:20:19 -0800 (PST)

The name for the Canadian entity which will enter into both Master Agreements and individual commodity transactions is: "UBS Warburg Energy (Canada) Ltd.", as confirmed by Lou Eber: UBS Chief Legal Counsel.

I am working on chasing down the parental guarantee issue.
