Enron Mail

To:cheryl.dawes@enron.com, eric.le@enron.com, dianne.seib@enron.com,john.zufferli@enron.com
Subject:Terminated Counterparty Contracts
Cc:robert.anderson@blakes.com, rayla.boyd@blakes.com
Bcc:robert.anderson@blakes.com, rayla.boyd@blakes.com
Date:Tue, 5 Feb 2002 10:45:26 -0800 (PST)

I attach an updated list (to Feb 5) of the terminated contracts to date. F=
or informational purposes, I have added a column that sets out the settleme=
nt dates for contracts we have settled, so there may be some additional cou=
nterparties added to my previous list where there was no ECC agreed termina=
tion date but we have settled and terminated (no one needs to do anything f=
or these c/ps). Again, the first table sets forth the physical contracts t=
hat have been terminated and the second sets out the financial contracts, a=
nd all data reflects ECC's (not the counterparties') perception of the worl=
d. I have vetted my list against Blakes' master list and believe this is a=
ccurate in all respects. As I indicated in my previous e-mails to you ther=
e were a few date discrepancies and I have previously provided you with the=
corrected dates for El Paso, Marathon, AEC Marketing, Calpine (Encal), Wil=
liams Energy and Baytex (all physical), all which are now correctly reflect=
ed in the attachment. A few others that were not previously on the list in=
clude Coast Energy (physical) which auto terminated on Dec 2 and PrimeWest =
Energy (physical) which auto terminated on Dec 2. =20
