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Enron Mail |
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Zufferli, John </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=JZUFFER< X-To: Taylor, Michael J. </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Mtaylor6<, Messenger, John P. </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Jmessen2<, Fichten, Murray </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Mfichten<, Seminuk, Tyler </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Tseminuk< X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \ExMerge - Zufferli, John\Sent Items X-Origin: ZUFFERLI-J X-FileName: john zufferli 6-26-02.PST -----Original Message----- From: Alastair Stewart <Alastair.Stewart@powerpool.ab.ca<@ENRON Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 8:49 AM To: 'denis.martin@airliquide.com'; 'pbartsch@utilicorp.com'; 'walterc@cnrl.com'; 'mike.cooper@atcoelectric.com'; 'don.mckinnon@atcopower.ca'; 'dean.kroetsch@atcopower.ca'; 'john.walker@atcopower.com'; Doug Heath; 'colin.fingler@bchydro.com'; 'baronlm@bp.com'; 'jay.dyson@candelaenergy.com'; 'rhendrickson@dow.com'; 'ksdukart@duke-energy.com'; 'thendricks@duke-energy.com'; 'betty.booth@engageenergy.com'; 'jfrench@enmax.com'; Zufferli, John; 'charlesm@epcor.ca'; 'gensupt@city.medicine-hat.ab.ca'; 'mark_o'henly@nexeninc.com'; 'wickhamc@novachem.com'; 'kris_yadav@tcp.ca'; 'mike.lee@powerex.com'; 'bfriesen@saskpower.com'; 'konowalec.taras@syncrude.com'; 'claude_benoit@transalta.com'; 'claude_benoit@transalta.com'; 'pat_cooper@transalta.com'; 'jim_paton@transalta.com'; 'wayne_oconnor@transcanada.com' Cc: 'bweiss@epcor.ca'; Jerry Mossing; Jack Kelly Subject: Automated Dispatch and Messaging System (ADaMS) Implementation De lay Dear Participants: I'm writing to provide you with an update on our progress to launch the Automated Dispatch and Messaging System, or 'ADaMS' for short. In my May 25 note I outlined the efficiency benefits of the new system, and attached a copy of our tentative implementation schedule. Since then, we've been busy testing the product to make sure it meets the Power Pool's standards for quality, and the expectations of our participants. And to be frank, at this point in time it doesn't quite measure up. We feel we'd be jeopardizing the quality of the product to meet the timeline. And that's not the way we do business. Instead, we've decided to shift the launch to early September 2001. The change will also provide additional time for participants to prepare, especially during the summer holiday season, and allow for more one-on-one training with individual participants as requested. Our technical staff will be contacting you in July, to ensure you can connect to the system and receive test dispatches. Also, we will contact you with a firmer implementation schedule as we approach September. In the meantime, if you have any questions please feel free to contact either myself at (403) 233-6491, or your respective Participant Liaison listed below. Company Name: A-E Elizabeth Vergara (403) 233-6405 elizabeth.vergara@powerpool.ab.ca F-Z Karen Mazuryk (403) 705-8509 karen.mazuryk@powerpool.ab.ca Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, POWER POOL OF ALBERTA Alastair Stewart, Manager, Customer and Corporate Services alastair.stewart@powerpool.ab.ca