Enron Mail

To:cooper.richey@enron.com, bill.greenizan@enron.com
Subject:FW: Generator Maintenance Coordination Group Meeting-JUne 14 , 2001 at 10 am.
Date:Tue, 12 Jun 2001 11:54:51 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: "Ritter, Fred" <Fred.Ritter@eal.ab.ca<@ENRON
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 9:06 AM
To: 'charlesm@epcor.ca'; 'Dale Mitchell (E-mail)'; 'David Teske (E-mail)'; 'Doug Heath (E-mail)'; 'Frayne Donaldson (E-mail)'; 'Frits de Kiewit (E-mail)'; 'Gary Hagerty (E-mail)'; 'Gary K. Halabut (E-mail)'; 'Geoff Wagner (E-mail)'; 'Jim Oosterbaan (E-mail)'; 'John Maniawski (E-mail)'; Zufferli, John; 'Ken Wagner (E-mail)'; 'doug_castellino@transcanada.com'; 'Peter Karl (E-mail)'; 'Rick Hendrickson (E-mail)'; 'Rick Huery (E-mail)'; 'Ron Raymond (E-mail)'; 'Taras J. Konowalec (E-mail)'; 'Wayne Symington (E-mail)'; 'kris_yadav@pancanadian.ca'; 'greg_lingelbach@transalta.com'; 'Sandy O'Connor (E-mail)'; 'hly@enmax.com'; 'Dan Ruiu (E-mail)'
Cc: Travis, Shelley
Subject: RE: Generator Maintenance Coordination Group Meeting-JUne 14 , 2 001 at 10 am.

For those wishing to conference into the meeting , please
note the following:

Those outside of Calgary would call 1 888 832 0082 and then Enter Code 2345
and then the pound key (#)

Those in Calgary would call 216 0900 and enter code 2345 and then the pound

Let me know if you have any questions.

Fred Ritter, P. Eng.
Technical Services
ESBI Alberta Ltd.
Phone: (403) 705-5224
Cell: (403) 813-9471
Web site: www.eal.ab.ca <http://www.eal.ab.ca<;

-----Original Message-----
From: Ritter, Fred
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 4:58 PM
To: 'charlesm@epcor.ca'; 'Dale Mitchell
(E-mail)'; 'David Teske (E-mail)'; 'Doug Heath (E-mail)'; 'Frayne Donaldson
(E-mail)'; 'Frits de Kiewit (E-mail)'; 'Gary Hagerty (E-mail)'; 'Gary K.
Halabut (E-mail)'; 'Geoff Wagner (E-mail)'; 'Jim Oosterbaan (E-mail)'; 'John
Maniawski (E-mail)'; 'John Zufferli (E-mail)'; 'Ken Wagner (E-mail)';
'doug_castellino@transcanada.com'; 'Peter Karl (E-mail)'; 'Rick Hendrickson
(E-mail)'; 'Rick Huery (E-mail)'; 'Ron Raymond (E-mail)'; 'Taras J.
Konowalec (E-mail)'; 'Wayne Symington (E-mail)';
'kris_yadav@pancanadian.ca'; 'greg_lingelbach@transalta.com'; 'Sandy
O'Connor (E-mail)'; 'hly@enmax.com'; Dan Ruiu (E-mail)
Cc: Duggan, Eamonn; Brankovich, Dragan;
Baker, Rob; Travis, Shelley
Subject: Generator Maintenance
Coordination Group Meeting

You, or a representative from your
organization, are invited to attend a meeting on June 14, 2001 from 10am to
12pm in our offices. It has been some time since the group has met and in
the mean time we have put some processes in place to address the ongoing
supply adequacy concerns within Alberta. Thank you for your support. We
would like to review how the current processes are working and examine areas
for improvement. We have proposed the following agenda.

* Review of current coordination practices
* Information posting practices
* System Controller practices - re: coordination
* Information requirements for 2002 - update of maintenance by October
* System Restoration requirements
* Other issues?

Please confirm your attendance by June 8,
2001. If you are unable to attend, perhaps you would like to be telephone
conferenced into the meeting. Please confirm.
Also, please advise if you have any other
agenda items.


Fred Ritter, P. Eng.
Technical Services
ESBI Alberta Ltd.
Phone: (403) 705-5224
Cell: (403) 813-9471
Web site: www.eal.ab.ca